To get the most out of life, mental wellbeing is absolutely essential. There are a few practical steps we can all take to give our mental health a boost. On World Mental Health Day, here are some healthy reminders to keep your mind in tip top condition.
1. Quality sleeping and quality waking
Good quality sleep can make a world of difference to our mental and physical health when we're feeling low. To get the most out of your downtime, make sure you wind down in the hours before you head to bed. Turn off your phone, stop working and do something that calms your mind before bedtime. Likewise, in the morning, be gentle with your mind! By looking at our phones first thing in the morning, we can fall into a pattern of mindlessly scrolling and bombarding ourselves with messages and notifications, setting us off on the wrong foot and having a long lasting impact throughout the day.
2. Connect with others
When we feel low it's natural to want time and space away from everyone else, but speaking with others, or even just spending time around others, can help to bring our minds into the present and add perspective to our thoughts and feelings.
3. Alone time
As much as we should connect with those around us, too much time on-the-go can be mentally and physically exhausting. It's important to step back and relish in the peacefulness of alone time. This time gives us an opportunity to unpack and evaluate our thoughts. Negative thoughts can easily stay unaddressed and build up within a busy schedule.
4. Feed your brain!
Our brain needs a range of vitamins and minerals to function healthily and provide the chemicals that make us happy. Sunlight provides vital vitamin D, which encourages the brain to release chemicals that improve our mood, such as endorphins and serotonin. Exercise and eating well also help the brain to produce these vital happy chemicals.
5. Get professional help
Don't feel like you have to do all this work alone. If you're consistently feeling low, your GP is a good first port of call. It's perfectly normal to feel nervous or anxious about speaking about your mental health, but health professionals are used to dealing with mental health issues and are there to provide the support and treatment you need.
We hope these tips serve as a good reminder to pay attention to and look after your mental wellbeing. Here are some helpful links for mental health support and advice:
Mind: mind.org.uk/information-support
Samaritans: samaritans.org
Anxiety UK: anxietyuk.org.uk
NHS Depression: nhs.uk/conditions/clinical-depression
More charities, support, and educational resources: nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/mental-health-helplines